Friday, May 15, 2009

eat, sleep, & poop

It's been 10 day's since Sophia arrived and 7 day's since we've been home. I think it's fair to say we've both learned a lot in these last 7 days not only about taking care of an infant but also about each other.

Sophia's growing quickly right before our eyes. She's managing to hold her head up on her own for a moment and is rolling over on her own. She's a strong little girl, fighting for her fingers to reach her mouth with all her might.

Today we went to our 1 week appointment. We were able to visit with 3 out of the 4 doctors while we were in the hospital so today we met the 4th. We're still 20 in long and 7lbs 11oz but the doctor said she's absolutely perfect!


  1. She's so freakin cute and I miss her already!

  2. you know you can come over whenever you want!

  3. Sophia is the most beautiful baby ever.
    Give her hugs and kisses XXXXOOOO

    Love Grandma& Grandpa
