Friday, May 15, 2009

eat, sleep, & poop

It's been 10 day's since Sophia arrived and 7 day's since we've been home. I think it's fair to say we've both learned a lot in these last 7 days not only about taking care of an infant but also about each other.

Sophia's growing quickly right before our eyes. She's managing to hold her head up on her own for a moment and is rolling over on her own. She's a strong little girl, fighting for her fingers to reach her mouth with all her might.

Today we went to our 1 week appointment. We were able to visit with 3 out of the 4 doctors while we were in the hospital so today we met the 4th. We're still 20 in long and 7lbs 11oz but the doctor said she's absolutely perfect!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sophia Rose Patton
5/5/2009 3:14pm
8lbs and 3oz

details about labor later!

&& Now for some free time for anyone who missed the delivery. Monday night we went in for an inducement @ 7pm. I was at first given cytotec which was done about every 4 hours to help my cervix dilate & efface. At around 7:30am I was given a pitocin drip to make my uterus contract. The contractions started coming in more frequently and a lot stronger with the pitocin. I went from being at a manageable pain level at around 3:30am to suddenley getting an epidural at around 9:30am. Just in that 6 hours alone I'm not sure how I managed to handle the pain. It was just as how I expected it to be and I wanted to continue to manage it on my own but because my Dr. was going to be breaking my water in the afternoon she stressed that in order for me to make it through to delivery I was going to need an epidural. I wasn't going to fight her on that one since obviously she knows a little more about labor & delivery then I do so I took the epidural. Automatically I felt relief but I also felt nothing at all. I wasn't able to feel or even detect an contractions but they were getting more frequent (at about 1 minute apart) and they were measuring a lot stronger. My water was broken around noon and some decisions needed to me made. The monitor that measurred my contractions was not giving us an accurate reading. My Dr. wasn't able to tell if the reading was off or if the contractions weren't progressing as we thought so she did an internal reading of the contractions to verify the progress. Once this was done she was able to find out that not only were the contractions doing their job and progressing but also that they weren't going to help with the fact that after almost 12 hours I was not dilated past 3 cm. I was given the option to either wait it out and try to see if I would progress (knowing that I was on the highest dosage of pitocin already) or to sign a consent for a cesearen section. I agreed to sign the consent but told them I wanted to continue for at least another 2 hours. During that 2 hours I knew nothing would change but needed to let my body continue trying. Making the decision to opt for the cesearen was a very difficult one to make but ended up being my only option. Just before 3pm I was wheeled off to the OR and at 3:14pm Sophia was delivered.

Looking back at the days events I was still devestated at how the delivery went. Brandon & I planned for a natural vaginal delivery, focusing on delivering Sophia in the best way as possible and coping with the pain with help from each other. We spent almost 9 months preparing for a somewhat unexpected outcome but knew that our birth plan wasn't guarenteed. Overall we're completely satisfied with the outcome because that outcome is Sophia! She's everything we expected her to be plus a little more cuteness! I think we're still trying to grasp the concept that we're parents but we're loving every minute of it and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives watching her grow and become the amazing woman we know she will be.

I'd like to thank everyone who made it out to the hospital to visit and witness Sophia's birth. Your love and support was what helped us make it through the beautiful and emotional event. We could not ask for a better group of friends and family!

as always,
Rachel, Brandon &&&&& Sophia!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Coming Soon...
Sophia Rose Patton

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Counting down

Just a few more days and Sophia will be here!

Last month was Sophia's baby shower. I was completely surprised at the amazing turn out we had. We were able to get most of the necessities we needed and more. It's already obvious that Sophia's going to be one spoiled girl.

Aunt Lesley, myself, & Aunt Sara

It's been a busy last couple weeks with some unexpected events.
A few weeks ago we were seen at labor & delivery for false labor.
It was our first "oops" for going in too soon.

Later that week was Jeremy and Lesley's wedding.
We had a great time getting to see everyone and of course getting to see Jeremy & Lesley celebrate their love for each other.

Brandon & I outside the wedding

I decided to go on my leave a few day's early to catch up on some much needed rest and to be able to focus on getting things ready around the apartment. Unfortunately on Thursday I was involved in an accident after taking Brandon to work. Sophia & I were checked and treated back at labor & delivery and were released just a few hours later saying we were safe to go home. Fortunately since the accident was not my fault our car will be ready for us next week and in the mean time we were provided with a rental car all for free.

Now we play the waiting game....